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If your furnace won’t turn on, it can be frustrating and uncomfortable, especially during the colder months. Fortunately, there are several troubleshooting tips you can try to get your furnace up and running again. you may want to consider contacting a professional furnace repair in San Bernardino to diagnose and fix the problem.

Here Are Some Suggestions For Diagnosing Furnace Issues:

  • Check The Thermostat: Checking the thermostat should be your first action. Ensure that it is set to “heat” mode and the temperature is set higher than the current room temperature. If the thermostat is not working properly, replace the batteries or call a professional to have it repaired or replaced.
  • Check The Power Supply: Make sure the furnace is properly connected to the power supply. Check the circuit breaker and fuse to ensure they haven’t tripped or blown. If they have, reset the breaker or replace the fuse. If the problem persists, contact a professional to check the wiring.
  • Check The Air Filter: A dirty air filter can restrict airflow, which can cause the furnace to overheat and shut off automatically. Replace the air filter if it is dusty or blocked. Depending on usage, it is advised to change the air filter every 1-3 months.
  • Check The Ignition System: Make sure the pilot light is lighted if your furnace has one. If it’s not, relight it according to the manufacturer’s directions. Warm air is distributed throughout your home via the blower motor. If your furnace has an electronic ignition system, check the wiring and the control board to ensure they are working properly. If they are not, contact a professional to repair or replace them.
  • Check The Gas Supply: If your furnace uses gas, make sure the gas supply is turned on and that the pilot light is lit. If the pilot light won’t stay lit, it may be an issue with the thermocouple, which is a safety device that shuts off the gas if the pilot light goes out. Contact a professional to repair or replace the thermocouple.
  • Check The Blower Motor: Warm air is distributed throughout your home via the blower motor. If it’s not working, your furnace won’t be able to heat your home effectively. Check the blower motor and the belt to ensure they are functioning properly. If they are not, contact a professional to repair or replace them.

In conclusion, if your furnace won’t turn on, there are several troubleshooting tips you can try before calling a professional furnace repair service in Highland, CA. Check the thermostat, power supply, air filter, ignition system, gas supply, and blower motor. If none of these tips work, it’s best to contact AQS Heating & Air Conditioning to diagnose and fix the problem. If you’re in Highland, CA, or San Bernardino, there are many furnace repair services available to help you get your furnace up and running again.

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